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Growing Your Events: What We’ve Released in Q1 2024

Q1 of 2024 was an incredible quarter in large part thanks to Jordan Pazian our new Head of Product and we will be updating you every quarter on what has been released and what’s upcoming. At the start of this year, we launched a ton of new functionality to help you grow your events faster and larger than ever before. Read more below.

InGo Incentives

We’ve found that good incentives have 2-3x more advocacy and referral driven growth for events. The InGo Incentives program was integrated into our core product at the start of this year, automatically elevating the event experience for participants in gatherings with 3,000 or more expected attendees, at no cost to you.

Your participants now have the chance to earn enticing gift cards and contribute to their favorite charities, in collaboration with Tremendous, making their event journey even more rewarding.

Company Page Posts

With Company Page Posts, you can effortlessly post from your company’s LinkedIn page, showcasing speakers, sponsors, and exhibitors all while maximizing impact.

Through GroupShare and VIPShare you generate an incredible number of speaker, sponsor, and exhibitor graphics. While we motivate 3-5x more of these posts to be shared than any other platform, not all of them get shared. Now with Company Page posting you can ensure every speaker, sponsor and exhibitor is announced to your company LinkedIn page.

Admin To-Do Reminders

Over the last two years, we quadrupled our performance with our relentless product updates and new functionality that can 4x your referral driven growth rate. We just added reminders to help you take advantage of this functionality. 

For example, taking a look at the growth of an event with 10,000 participants using InGo: 

  • In 2021, we would have driven 5,000 connections to click through and become potential acquisitions.
  • In 2023, we now average 20,000 connections clicking through and to become hundreds, sometimes thousands, of acquisitions.

These new reminders will help ensure you see these amazing results which are 10x the average of referral marketing tools.

Our top priority is your event performance and we know event marketers like you are incredibly busy. We’ve set up email reminders to do the most important things after your event is set up like scheduling your email cadence and uploading your participants.

Graphic Sharing Across Groups

We know your marketers are short on time and stacked on tasks, and at InGo we’re always looking for more ways to save you time.

By providing your marketing team the option to utilize graphics from all groups and post variations when they edit or create new groups/post variations, we are reducing the amount of time it takes for event marketers to achieve their goal of launching a successful VIPShare campaign. This new experience reduces the time it takes to deploy groups, thus allowing event marketers more time to focus on generating referrals with InGo.

Default Community Graphics

Building on our previous graphic upload enhancements, we took it a step further to save you time by introducing the ability to set graphics at the community level. By doing this, all events within your organization’s community will be kicked off with a default graphic that you can change as needed. 

Let’s say you have hundreds of events coming up, you may not have time to create a unique graphic for each event. Now, you can have one default graphic for your whole community. You can simply update the text on these graphics with the appropriate event name. 

Send from Your Domain

Community Emails have doubled the referral driven growth rate for many of our customers, (a big part of that 4x’ing of performance we mentioned earlier) we want to make sure all of our customers can enjoy that performance, so now you can send InGo Community Emails from your domain.

We know brand reputation and recognition are important in this industry, and this feature gives you total control over your InGo event marketing campaign. Get in touch with your Account Manager to set up this new feature.

Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • Rolling out new email backend to incrementally enhance performance as we scale
  • Ensuring our widgets recognize languages that are read from right to left, like Arabic
  • Toggling EMEA friendly date formats in InGo Admin
  • Implemented the ability to delete graphics uploaded to VIPShare templates by mistake
  • Implemented ability to delete groups that were not intended to be created
  • Addressed accessibility in our InGo Admin UI
  • Rolling out enhanced security measures incrementally as we scale

What’s coming to grow your events even faster this year:

  • Easier onboarding and faster event creation
  • More customizable VIPShare to get more speakers and sponsors driving growth
  • New ways to accelerate event revenue growth


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InGo was awarded a Top 100 Event Planning Blog Award by Feedspot.